Jetpack Addon mine-craft 28-02-2025, 18:42 897 Mods / Addons / Mods 1.21 Jetpack Addon craft an active jetpack to fly in Minecraft Bedrock. 0 More
Villager Variety Addon mine-craft 28-02-2025, 18:16 161 Mods 1.21 / Mods 1.20 Villager Variety Addon adds color and skin tone options for villagers. Now you can meet different civilians in settlements. 0 More
BlockArmor Addon mine-craft 28-02-2025, 16:52 2 993 Mods / Addons / Mods 1.21 BlockArmor Addon 26+ new sets of armor from different materials and resources. 0 More
Old Guns Addon mine-craft 28-02-2025, 16:38 2 882 Mods / Addons / Mods 1.21 Old Guns Addon old guns and submachine guns from the 20th century in Minecraft. 0 More
Just Hammers Addon mine-craft 28-02-2025, 16:31 355 Mods 1.21 / Mods 1.20 / Mods 1.19 Just Hammers Addon hammers of different sizes for mining 3x3, 5x5 blocks in Minecraft. 0 More
TUSP : RANDOMIZE VII Skin Pack mine-craft 28-02-2025, 16:07 216 Mods / Addons / Mods 1.21 TUSP : RANDOMIZE VII - download a set of random skins, download and choose the one you like to play with them. 0 More
Item Magnet Addon mine-craft 28-02-2025, 15:39 455 Mods / Addons / Mods 1.21 Item Magnet Addon is an item magnet that will attract all the items lying nearby. 0 More
PHX's Tools & Weapons Addon mine-craft 28-02-2025, 13:45 7 028 Mods 1.21 / Mods 1.20 / Mods 1.19 / Mods 1.18 PHX's Tools & Weapons Addon copper items, new tools, weapons for Minecraft Bedrock. 1 More
Auto Pick Addon mine-craft 27-02-2025, 20:37 218 Mods / Addons / Mods 1.21 Auto Pick Addon will add comfort, now you will automatically collect items that fall from mobs or destroyed blocks in your inventory. 0 More
Nightmare Survival Addon mine-craft 27-02-2025, 19:42 327 Mods 1.21 / Mods 1.20 / Mods 1.19 Nightmare Survival Addon for survival in a nightmare world where survival will really test your Minecraft gaming skills. 0 More