Bulls Minecraft Map
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Bulls Map

Mods / Addons / Mods 1.16

Mod adds a new aggressive mob - a bull in Bedrock Minecraft.

It looks a lot like a cow, only it won't be peaceful. You can find him in the plain and savanna biomes. The bull attacks players, illagers and zombies. He will defend the territory around him. He has 60 health and 6 damage. Bull mobs cannot be tamed.

How to install?
Android: you need to find the downloaded file on your phone, use any file manager for this and import the map into the game by opening it.
IOS: after receiving the map, the device itself will offer to install it.
Windows 10: go to the folder where the files are downloaded, find mcworld there and activate it.

bullb.mcpack [5.23 Kb] (downloads: 17)
bullr.mcpack [35.53 Kb] (downloads: 12)
bull.mcaddon [38.87 Kb] (downloads: 26)
bull.zip [41.36 Kb] (downloads: 6)

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