Plants vs Zombie Garden Warfare Minecraft Addon / Mod
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Plants vs Zombie Garden Warfare Addon

Mods 1.14 / Mods 1.15 / Mods 1.16

Plants vs Zombie Garden Warfare is the best PvZ addon for mobile game. I'm sure each of us played Plants vs Zombie on Android or our phone.

Addon many new mobs: zombies and plants from this game. They look very similar and behave the same way. We look at the video how it works.


- Download Mod;
- Use Minecraft 1.16
- Open the downloaded file to install;
- Select it in the settings;
- Be sure to enable the experimental game mode;
- Have fun!

pvzgardenwarfareaddonbeta1.mcaddon [674.46 Kb] (downloads: 517)

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