Boneblock Skyblock Minecraft Map
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Boneblock [Skyblock] Map

Maps / Survival Maps

Boneblock [Skyblock] - survival map for Minecraft Bedrock 1.16.

Be sure to download it if you like to play skyblock survival maps. The essence of the game is to survive in very difficult conditions of limited space, small islands of blocks are floating in the sky. These are all your resources that can be obtained for your development. Can you hold out longer from this small amount. Or even you will be able to travel and find new islands and resources. Only time will tell.


How to install?
Android: you need to find the downloaded file on your phone, use any file manager for this and import the map into the game by opening it.
IOS: after receiving the map, the device itself will offer to install it.
Windows 10: go to the folder where the files are downloaded, find mcworld there and activate it.

boneblock-1_16.mcworld [566.77 Kb] (downloads: 1784)

Comments (4)

Jonatan Jonatan 10 May 2022 10:20 Reply
Boneblock [Skyblock] Map
bitch bitch 1 June 2022 11:54 Reply
Why is it so laggy
Bitch Bitch 4 December 2022 08:26 Reply
how do you use the bone block to travel?
Jason Jason 4 February 2024 03:25 Reply

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